
Our Security Measures

Here's what we do to make Cash Fuse significantly more secure than the competition. Cash Fuse adopts a data encryption method that provides enhanced security and complete user data confidentiality:

What is Data Encryption?

In simple terms, data encryption, or encryption, is a process that transforms information into secret code protected by a secret key. The only way to decrypt the information is to possess the key.

Encryption at Rest and on Your Device

Unlike competitors, your data is encrypted directly on your device, and you retain possession of your secret key. This approach ensures that your information remains protected from the moment of its creation throughout its lifecycle.

Other personal finance apps use data providers that transmit your financial data to their servers. Although encrypted at rest on their servers, they are exposed during processing.

Asymmetric Encryption for Data Sharing

If you wish to enable a shared account, we use an asymmetric encryption method between you and your partner. Here's a brief overview of how it works under the hood:

Each partner has a pair of cryptographic keys (a public key and a private key).
To share data, your information is encrypted with your partner's public key.
Your partner can then decrypt the data with their corresponding private key.

The use of asymmetric encryption ensures that only authorized parties can access the shared information.

Inaccessibility of Data by Our Team

Thanks to this architecture, our team never has access to your private keys. Therefore, it is impossible for us to read or decrypt stored data, even when you activate the sharing feature. This arrangement ensures complete confidentiality and protects you against internal and external threats.

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