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The budget app that respects your privacy.

We don't use intermediaries that snoop on you, and we keep your data private—even from us!

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No Intermediaries

Say No to Spies!

Most personal finance apps use data providers to retrieve your banking information. These providers operate without formal authorization from financial institutions. They act as intermediaries between the personal finance app and your bank.

We Keep Your Data Safe

Your Data Is Secure!

We don't have access to your data and we don't want it! Your bank credentials are encrypted on your device and never leave it! Data collection is not part of our business model, and frankly, it means less for us to manage!

Total Privacy
Your information is completely invisible to us, ensuring total protection of your privacy.
Local Data Security
Your personal data is encrypted and securely stored on your device, accessible only by you.
Protection Against Internal Threats
We do not possess the private keys to decrypt your data, eliminating the risk of unauthorized access by our employees.
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Financial Health

Get a comprehensive view of your finances

This overview provides a snapshot of your income, expenses, and overall financial health. It allows you to evaluate your financial performance and make informed decisions.

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Track Your Net Worth
See if you're accumulating wealth or more debt over time.
Savings Goals
Easily track and achieve your financial goals.
Quick Financial Overview
Get an overview of your income, expenses, debts, and savings.

Automatic Synchronization

No Manual Entries Needed

Once the retrieval is complete, the data is encrypted and stored on your device. This periodic synchronization ensures better tracking of your finances!

Syncs to Your Accounts
Automatically retrieves transactions from your accounts.
Secured Data
Your data is securely encrypted and stored on your device.
Automatic association with categories
Automatically assigns transactions to appropriate categories based on predefined rules.
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Compatible with the following institutions

Banque NationaleDesjardinsTangerine

Shared Expenses

Stop Guessing How Much Your Partner Owes You

Track shared expenses with your partner or roommates. When you indicate expenses to be shared, they will be accounted for in a global shared account tracking view. Set your agreement, either by fixed amount or percentage of your income, and the tool calculates each partner's share.

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Shared Expense Contribution Clarity
Enables clear and transparent financial planning between partners.
Ajustable Distribution
Distribution of expenses by percentage or fixed amount.
Expense Distribution Visualization
Ensures better financial tracking between you and your partner.

Smart Budgeting

An Automated Budget for Those Who Don't Have One!

Most Canadians don't budget. Break the norm with our automated budget. It adjusts based on your spending habits and will notify you when you are within or over your budget for each category. Don't like the automated budget? No problem. You can manually enter your budget goals.

Follow your budget month by month
Track your budget month by month to monitor and manage your expenses, set financial goals, and optimize your savings.
Automate your budget
Automate your budget to effortlessly track and manage your monthly expenses.
Notifications for overspending
Receive notifications for overspending to avoid going over budget.
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Additional Features

And More!

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Transaction Split
Split a transaction to allow multiple categorizations.
Create a Transaction Category
Classify your expenses and income to better organize your finances.
CSV Export
Export your data or import it into Excel.
Application available in French and English.
Complete history of all your transactions.
Ultra-fast search and customizable filters.

Sign Up for Early Access and Enjoy a Lifetime Discount!

To thank our early users, we offer a preferential lifetime discount to all who sign up during this early access period.

Lifetime Discount
Enjoy an exclusive discount on our subscription, applicable for life.
Priority Access
Be the first to try our new features and updates.
Premium Support
Receive priority and dedicated support for all your questions and needs.
Product Influence
Your feedback will be crucial in helping us perfect our product before its official launch.


1. Which platforms will be supported?

2. What will be your pricing?

3. Which financial institutions are supported?

4. When will the product be available?